Monday, October 21, 2013

Thoughts on a Monday after 6 weeks of Church Planting

We are now in our second month here at Family Life Church at Cypress.  Our group has averaged 50+ people and we are close to meeting our monthly budget, factors most consider benchmarks for measuring success.  I guess I find myself measuring our success as well. However, I am encouraged not so much by the numbers as by the people they represent.  And not so much by the budget as by the generosity of his people.  

Christ has brought to us some incredible families to join in this journey.  They represent infant to senior.  Some are young in their faith, full of questions and maybe even a few objections, joy plus confusion, seeking to understand what it means to fully trust Christ with their lives.  Some are further down the road with a few tests and triumphs, mountains and valleys under their belt and still seeking to understand what it means to fully trust Christ with their lives.  Some are seasoned followers, submitted and surrendered to the calling of Christ, still seeking to understand what it means to truly trust Christ with their lives.  My greatest joy is to be engaged in all of these stages and visibly watching His people seek Him.  There are not a lot of easy answers.  Whether we are striving for a better relationship with a husband/wife, desiring to show our children a clear picture of faith, or hoping to live an authentic life before our peers we are seeking to find answers.  And it is in the perseverance of faith that we find peace.  Yes, Christ has accomplished the work of salvation on our behalf but the Holy Spirit is continually conforming us into the image of Christ.  It causes a constant dissatisfaction with the imitations of this world and keeps followers of Christ in a perpetual state of longing for something better. 

Oh, we still have some big holes to fill.  (We currently are without a worship leader.)  And we still have a ways to go financially in order to effectively minister to the needs of our community around us.  Yet I am confident that He who began this great work is able to complete it!  And through our effort to live authentic lives He will bring Himself glory. 

I hope you can identify with this.  I hope the Holy Spirit leaves you longing and wrestling and searching until perseverance in faith brings you peace in Christ.  No purer, more authentic object has ever been.  His people are promised rest through the comforting Holy Spirit.

And I am glad to be in the midst! 

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Next Step

Sunday marks the official launch of Family Life Church at Cypress.  How did we ever end up here?  After 16 years of marriage and 15 years of full-time ministry, I can assure you this was not "the plan".  Not that "the plan" ever really existed, but had "the plan" been made, this would not have been it.

Ambition is not my forte.  I am much more, well, let's say "content", with contentment.  Easygoing, low-key, peaceable, these are words best used to describe me.  Not words which instill great confidence or inspire great dreams, I admit.  I am not the latest (I have an aversion, maybe allergy to technology), not the hippest (I do have a goatee), nor the most intellectual leader (depending on who(m) (?) you ask).  I often feel I do not belong.  No pity here just honesty.  I've read the books on church planting and finally had to set them aside as I knew I could not follow the model.  I have great admiration for those who do and hope to stand with them one day as men who followed the call of God on their lives.
So how does one get here?  How does one make such a jump from comfort to displacement?  How does one forego security for the unknown?  How does one succeed without proper training, planning, leadership? The only answer I have been able to obtain for myself and my family is this - FAITH.  Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." And Hebrews 11:6 says that "without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him."  Faith has been our journey.  God has revealed Himself to us through steps of faith along the path again and again.  And because He has proven faithful we are encouraged each time we are asked to step in faith again.  I am not calling this simple or easy.  We have certainly been prodded along the way also but each time we remember what it is like to be held in His hands as He places us onto the path marked out for us.        

Family Life Church has become the next step of faith for us.  We are called out of His goodness.  We are qualified by His grace.  We are encouraged by His people.  If you are in the Cypress area and looking for a place to fellowship and worship with the people of God then we will be present this Sunday at 10:30 am.  If God is asking you to take the next step of faith in your journey with a freshly planted church to walk along-side and serve and grow then you will be blessed beyond measure.  If you are seeking a place of refuge from the strains of life and whiplash of culture then you will find rest for the journey and strength for the fight.  If you are searching for answers you will find Christ, arms wide open and waiting for you!

See You Sunday!

Chris Pace
Lead Pastor

Family Life Church at Cypress @
Kids R Kids Coles Crossing
14050 Telge Rd
Cypress, 77429      

  9:30 am - Generation Life (Sunday School classes for all ages)
10:30 am - Worship    

Contact us at

Sunday, July 7, 2013


                                    "But I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt.  
                                     You shall acknowledge no other God but me, no Saviour 
                                     except me.  I cared for you in the desert, in the land of the 
                                     burning heat.  When I fed them, they were satisfied; when 
                                     they were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot me."  
                                                                      Hosea 13:4-6

I have often wondered how we forget God in the good times.  I've even striven (that cannot be a word) to remind myself of this to not repeat the history of O.T. Israelites.  It's there for a reason, right?!  Yet I believe this to be a great struggle of churched people.  Let's face it, we live in a very affluent culture.  I know we are in a recession but doesn't that just mean we shop the 50% off racks, make the kids order water at restaurants, go to the matinee and maybe even sneak in some candy.

Now Tori and I have learned the value of a dollar (those items listed above are a lifestyle here) and we strive to teach our children gratefulness.  So I recently had my children list all the ways God has "satisfied" us this summer.  We filled a white board.  Just listen - season passes to Splashtown, vacation to Grammy and Grandaddy's house then to Arkansas and Mississippi, spending the night at Grandma and Papaw's house numerous times, trips to Lake DeGray, Lake Conroe, and Lake Somerville, movies, lazy days at home, parties with friends, and the list goes on.  Summer is only halfway over and I'm technically unemployed!

We seek to satisfy our appetites.  And we seek often.  Vacations, fun, enjoyment, satisfaction are not bad.  After all, good gifts come from God.  But Hosea reminds us that we seek satisfaction and then become proud, haughty, arrogant, and independent of God.  We believe we have provided for ourselves, have earned these gifts, deserve all that we have.  We don't say it out loud, it's just the way we live.

Which leads to this - "then they forgot me."  How can such blessed, affluent, saturated, satisfied people forget God.  Seems preposterous!  But there is a remedy, "Return, O Israel, to the Lord your God.  Your sins have been your downfall!  Take words with you and return to the Lord ..." Hosea 14 is incredible.  I especially like "take words with you and return."  Like a spoiled child who has long taken advantage of loving, patient parents desperately needs to ask forgiveness we need to return and "take words."  It is not always enough to just stand there quietly waiting for the lecture to end.  You want a response.  You want to hear the words roll off their tongues.  You want an acknowledgement.  "I'm sorry!"  "I was wrong!"  "Please forgive me!"

Read Hosea 14 and hear God's unfailing love for his children.  "Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know them; for the ways of the Lord are right, and the upright walk in them."        


Side bar - My apologies to anyone who is truly struggling financially.  Though it will not resolve all your problems, I highly encourage you to find a church family or if you already have one, lean on them .  We were meant to walk this life together!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Away in the Deep Woods of North La

So we are weeks away from the start of a brand new church and where will you find us?  On vacation.  Kind of.  We are in the deep woods of north La or Rocky Branch, La for those fortunate enough to know of such places.  AKA, Home!  Time seems to pause here.  We find it much easier to relax, reflect, and rest.  It is the best place we know to get away from the rush of Houston suburbia where even the weekend trips to the lake or out of town zip by like a commercial break pausing just moments before we get right back to our regularly scheduled programming.

You see, you and I need clear hearts and minds in order to hear and follow the Lord well.  In the routines we work long and hard, chase deadlines and kids, and end up exhausted or at least busy.  Our minds are clouded and we are too engaged to ever "be still and know that He is God."  It is good to pause life and remind ourselves that God is in control.  Not just to quote a phrase, but reflect on what those words mean and to find rest in them.  What does God's sovereignty mean to you?  Does it help you to sleep at night?  Does it relieve your anxiety?  Does it bring great comfort?

I pray you will take time this summer.  I pray you will find rest in the One who offers to share the weight and pressure of this life.  I pray you will meditate on the goodness of Christ and all the richness found in Him.

"Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"            
                                                                                                                                              Psalms 46:10

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer Sunday Nites

We are looking ahead to the birth of this new church and making plans to start gathering together.  This Sunday, June 2nd, at 5pm we will meet at the Villages of New Kentucky.  This will be a great opportunity to see who else is involved and desiring to be a part of Family Life Church.  We will grill some hot dogs and ask you to provide chips, dips, and desserts.  We will provide the drinks as well.  And don't forget the lawn chairs and outdoor yard games.  We plan to bring some water balloons along for some fun so keep your distance if you do not wish to get wet!

I will give everyone an update on the current status of Family Life Church and share some of the incredible ways God has richly blessed us even before we have ever begun.  We will also give you the dates for more summer fun and fellowship.  Come and join us this weekend!

p.s. If you are not getting our email updates re: Family Life Church then send us the address you wish to use!
(We will be sending addresses of the Summer Sunday Nites via email or text.)


WHEN - This Sunday, June 2nd, 5pm

WHERE - Villages of New Kentucky
                 *if you need directions (see above p.s.) and shoot us an email, call or text! (

WHAT TO BRING - Chips, Dips, or Desserts
                                  Swimsuit and Towel (may get to use the pool)
                                  Water Balloons (pre-filled, please)
                                  Other Outdoor Games

Monday, May 13, 2013

Aliens and Weirdos

So I am now entering my final two weeks of a 6 year journey with WBC.  It is very revealing in hindsight how God has been preparing me all these years for the journey ahead.  I think we have covered that this would not have been my 15 year plan.  I am reminded of numerous prerequisites that are soon to return -  like being the first to arrive and last to leave, moving chairs 12,000 times, and wearing more hats than a royal wedding.  You know, everything learned in the degree program.  I have often questioned God on the path we have walked.  Not that it has been the wrong path though there have certainly been some moments.  It has just been so foreign, out of place.

Have you ever felt out of place?  My journey has reminded me of this continually.  I am not a Texan and I did not get here as fast as I could.  I do not own western clothes of any sort, would never wear boots, and could care less about UT or A&M, though I do like me some BBQ.  When I moved here I only knew my wife.  But I began to realize that I was not alone as God revealed more and more people on this same journey.  There was something very recognizable about them though we had never met nor shared any particular interests.  We were aliens, strangers in the land.    

You know the Old Testament is filled with language referencing the foreigner/alien/stranger in the land.  Mostly about understanding what it means to be one or how to treat one.  (No politics here; I have enough issues.)  There is a constant reminder in the Scriptures that "you were once strangers in the land of Egypt."  And that, in Christ, we are "in this world yet not of this world." And again Paul says that our "citizenship is in heaven and that we eagerly await a Savior."  I believe this to be one of our greatest struggles as followers of Christ and a continual reminder we need.

We are strangers in the land.  This is not our home.  The law of the land is not the law on our hearts.  We answer to the King not the President.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being born again!  This is not activism; it is identity and we need to be reminded of who we are; Whose we are.  Do not fret, worry, complain, or give up!  We need a constant reminder of these things and we are excited to be starting just such a place soon!

The cross of Christ does something to those who surrender their lives before it and they are forever marked by the experience.  I have met many such people over the years and though they work regular jobs, maybe helped keep Austin weird, and even like the Astros they remember that their citizenship is eternal!  So thankful for the years of ministry at RCS, CA, and WBC and looking forward to this August when Family Life Church at Cypress gathers a group of aliens/strangers/foreigners to seek together the kingdom of God as we eagerly await the Savior!      

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Make ready your heart, Make ready your home, Make ready the people of God

A few years ago a worship leader's wife shared that motto with me and it has been percolating in my head ever since. I think I knew immediately that I was a bit out of order, but we were doing all the things we thought we were supposed to be doing and so maybe I just wasn't going to have the luxury of time to "make ready my heart." Very well meaning, I think I often let my service to my church and my students take priority over my husband and kids who were being dragged along in the wake.  I had the order wrong.

Then 20 months ago things drastically changed.  It started when Chris was gone to preteen camp with the oldest two kids and I had the distinct feeling like God was telling me maybe we should make a switch to homeschooling our kids. Chris's reaction was "whatever you do- don't make a decision until I get home." With him gone, all I knew was to lean in to God's voice; I read my Bible and prayed like crazy. In the midst of that, I read a verse in Isaiah 2 that said "He will teach us His ways so that we may walk in His paths." I immediately knew that this verse was important. A few days later I was reading in Micah 4 and read the same verse quoted in Isaiah! I got chills. I felt like God was telling me he had spent 30+ years teaching me and training me and now was time to take a big step of faith. We did take that step and since then God has continued taking us down a path we would not have planned for ourselves but that he has been equipping us for all along as he has "shown us his ways."  I think this step had to be taken for me to be even remotely ready to take this giant leap of faith now. This was the first stage in making ready my heart.

Make ready your home...

I also shifted my focus back to discipling and training my kids. Spending most hours of the day with them I quickly saw some things we needed to work on. First, I set to knit their hearts to ours. I think in our hectic life our oldest two were starting to pull away a little too soon.  I know this is normal and expected but there was some more training and building up that needed to take place first. I needed to make sure we had their heart. Making ready your home, like making ready your heart, is a continual process but at least my desire is to keep things in the proper order.

Make ready the people of God...

I just don't think the pastor has the only obligation to make ready the people of God. I think as we live in community with each other and point each other toward Christ, as we disciple and teach the next generations, and as we live out our faith before others we are making ready the people of God.  This is a major aspect of this new path he is leading us down.

So where's this path going anyway?

When Chris first mentioned what he felt like God was leading us to do, my first response, surprisingly, wasn't "no." However, I'm not much of an adventurer and knowing this is a hard road my response was, "Let's wait and make sure there's not some other path God is wanting to take us down." And we did. We prayed and waited and took baby steps until we were both confident that "He had shown us His ways so that we may walk down this path."

This is certainly not something either of us aspired to do. We don't feel we can do it better than anyone else. We don't have all the answers to parenting, marriage or ministry. What we are confident in, though, is that He who called us is faithful and that He is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine... for His glory.

 And what a thrill to be asked to walk this path!                                                    